
This month’s lawyer spotlight pays tribute to Fred Baron – one of the most accomplished environmental law trial lawyers of our time. Baron’s career spanned several decades, during which he made significant contributions to the evolution of both environmental law and consumer protection law. Baron’s legacy is marked by his relentless pursuit of justice, innovative legal strategies, and dedication to environmental causes.

Legal Career and Major Cases

Baron earned his law degree from the University of Texas School of Law in 1971. He began his legal career at a time when environmental awareness was gaining momentum in the United States. He co-founded the law firm Baron & Budd, P.C., in 1977. Under his leadership, the firm became renowned for its expertise in environmental law, particularly in cases involving toxic torts and asbestos litigation. Two of the firm’s most notable cases were Ortiz v. Fibreboard Corp. and the settlement with RSR Corporation which are widely considered to be two of the most significant cases for consumer rights. 

Ortiz v. Fibreboard Corp

In 1999, Ortiz v. Fibreboard Corp. came in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. The case involved how to handle future asbestos claims. The asbestos companies argued that they should be able to settle all future asbestos claims through a trust fund, rather than through litigation. Baron represented the plaintiffs, arguing against this arrangement because it would limit the rights of individuals to pursue future claims. The Court agreed with Baron, questioning the fairness of the trust fund method, especially given that the company only planned to put $500,000 in the fund, barely enough to pay medical expenses for a handful of claimants. This decision opened the door for generations of consumers harmed by asbestos to pursue justice in the courts.

RSR Corporation 

In 1985, Baron negotiated a $20 million settlement with RSR Corporation, a battery scrap recycling company. The settlement involved water contamination in an impoverished community in Dallas, Texas. It was one of the largest lead contamination cases ever, involving 40 property owners and 370 children. As part of the settlement, the children harmed by the contamination would go on to receive payments over 30 years.

Beyond the Courtroom

Beyond the courtroom, Baron was a passionate advocate for environmental protection. He played a crucial role in raising awareness about the dangers of asbestos and other toxic substances. His efforts extended to lobbying for stricter regulations and policies to safeguard public health and the environment.

Baron’s commitment to environmental causes was also evident in his philanthropic endeavors. He supported numerous environmental organizations and initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability and conservation. His contributions helped fund research and advocacy efforts that continue to benefit society today.

Baron passed away on October 30, 2008, after a battle with cancer. His death was a significant loss to the legal community and those who had benefited from his tireless efforts. However, his legacy lives on through the countless lives he impacted and the enduring changes he brought about in environmental law and consumer protection.

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