Product Liability Suits Against Social Media Platforms Gain Popularity

A growing number of lawsuits claim that social media companies like Meta should be liable under product liability law theory for designing products in a harmful, dangerous, or addictive manner. These recent lawsuits aim to circumvent the protection recently afforded social media giants through Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which inoculates companies from […]

This is How Blockchain Will Help your Law Firm Run More Efficiently

By now, you’ve likely heard about blockchain – the technology underlying the famous cryptocurrency Bitcoin. But do you know all the ways blockchain may be able to help you increase efficiencies at your law firm? Blockchain Basics Put simply, blockchain stores cryptocurrency transaction details together with data like payment information, identity, and ownership, into a […]

Energy Transition Will Fuel New Litigation Needs

Through 2022, the energy sector continues to hold major opportunities for litigators, particularly in the energy transition market. As businesses look toward a transition from traditional oil and gas to alternative energy sources, components of the large scale energy shift like renewable energy, electric vehicles, battery storage, and carbon capture are quickly becoming hot specialty […]

William Tell is Back: Class Action Arrows Target the Bullseye on the Apple

Mobile wallet monopoly, exploding iPhone batteries, and broken butterfly keyboards, oh my! Tech-giant Apple made headlines continually last month as it was named in several class action lawsuits for a variety of reasons. While Apple is no stranger to class actions, this was a particularly busy summer. Apple Pay Monopoly Affinity Credit Union accused Apple […]