Running a law firm takes a lot of capital. Traditional lending institutions are generally not comfortable lending on contingent fee cases, and typically not to the extent necessary to resolve cash flow problems. Unlike these institutions, we fully understand the value of the assets contained in your inventory of cases. That’s where we come in. […]
Spam text messages have become a growing frustration for consumers. Many consumers report daily messages ranging from unsolicited advertisements to political texts to scam messages. These unwanted messages not only disrupt daily life but can also pose serious risks, including identity theft and financial fraud. In response, consumers and legislators are taking action, leveraging legal […]
When looking for post-settlement funding, attorneys have lots of choice. However, not all funding institutions are created equal. Here are just a few reasons we stick out from the pack: Lawyer Founded and Run RapidFunds® was co-founded in 2004 by attorney Peter J. Speziale, as a solution to the cash flow problems contingent fee attorneys […]
In the digital age, healthcare providers are increasingly reliant on technology to store, manage, and share medical data, including medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds. These images often contain sensitive patient information that is protected by privacy laws, particularly the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). However, recent breaches and […]
Are you waiting on legal fees? Convert your settled case into immediate cash! As attorneys, we know how frustrating it can be to put endless hours into a case, only to wait months for your legal fees. Post settlement funding was created to help plaintiffs’ attorneys who find themselves in need of cash between pending […]
The real estate industry is facing a seismic shift due to a wave of class action lawsuits challenging the structure of real estate commissions. These lawsuits, which have captured the attention of brokers, agents, homebuyers, and sellers alike, center around the longstanding practice of how commissions are set and paid. With billions of dollars at […]